Urgent Warning: 8456021111 Spam Call in the UK from 0845 Area Code

8456021111 Spam Call in the UK

The 0845 area code has become synonymous with spam calls in the UK, with 8456021111 being a notorious caller ID. This article is dedicated to helping you understand the origins and nature of these calls, the potential risks they pose, and effective ways to safeguard yourself. In today’s digital age, it’s crucial to stay informed and take proactive measures to ensure your safety and peace of mind.

What Are 0845 Area Code Spam Calls?

0845 area code spam calls, particularly those originating from the number 8456021111, are unsolicited and often fraudulent calls that seek to deceive and manipulate unsuspecting recipients. They can take various forms, including:

  • Fake Financial Offers: Some of these spam calls lure individuals with fake financial opportunities, promising incredible returns on investments.
  • Phishing Scams: Others may impersonate trusted organizations, attempting to extract personal and financial information.
  • Tech Support Scams: Fraudsters might pose as tech support agents, claiming that your computer or device has a critical issue that requires immediate attention.
  • Impersonation of Authorities: In some cases, the callers may impersonate law enforcement or government agencies, instilling fear and coercing victims.
The Origins of 0845 Area Code Spam Calls

To combat these spam calls effectively, it’s important to understand where they originate. The 0845 area code, while legitimate for business and non-geographic numbers, has been exploited by scammers due to its association with toll-free numbers. These scammers often use Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology to hide their true location, making it challenging for authorities to trace and apprehend them.

The Risks and Dangers

Receiving an 0845 area code spam call, especially from 8456021111, can expose you to several risks:

  • Financial Loss: Scammers may trick you into making payments or sharing sensitive financial information.
  • Identity Theft: Your personal details could be used for fraudulent activities, leading to identity theft.
  • Emotional Distress: Deceptive and threatening calls can cause anxiety and emotional distress.
  • Privacy Invasion: Your personal space is invaded when these calls disrupt your daily life.
How to Protect Yourself
  1. Install a Call Blocker App

One of the most effective ways to stop spam calls is by using call blocker apps. These apps can identify and block numbers associated with spam calls, including 8456021111, before they reach you.

  1. Register with TPS

The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) allows you to opt out of receiving unsolicited sales and marketing calls. This registration can help reduce the number of spam calls you receive.

  1. Avoid Answering Unknown Numbers

If you receive a call from 8456021111 or any other suspicious number, it’s best to let it go to voicemail. Legitimate callers will leave a message, while scammers often won’t.

  1. Be Wary of Unsolicited Offers

Never share personal or financial information with unsolicited callers. Verify the legitimacy of the caller and their organization before providing any details.

  1. Report Spam Calls

Report any spam calls, especially those from 8456021111, to your phone provider and relevant authorities. This can contribute to ongoing efforts to combat spam calls.


The 8456021111 spam calls originating from the 0845 area code are a growing concern in the United Kingdom. By staying informed and taking proactive measures, you can protect yourself from these deceptive and potentially harmful calls. Remember, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and share this information with your friends and family to collectively combat this menace.

  1. What is the purpose of 0845 area code spam calls?

0845 area code spam calls often aim to deceive and manipulate individuals for financial gain. They can involve fake financial offers, phishing scams, tech support scams, and impersonation of authorities.

  1. How can I identify a spam call from 8456021111?

Spam calls from 8456021111 are typically unsolicited and may involve deceptive tactics. It’s best to let such calls go to voicemail and verify the caller’s legitimacy before responding.

  1. Are there legal measures to combat 0845 area code spam calls?

While there are regulations in place to combat spam calls, scammers often use technology to hide their true location. Reporting such calls to your phone provider and relevant authorities is essential.

  1. Can I block 0845 area code spam calls?

Yes, you can block 0845 area code spam calls by using call blocker apps that can identify and block suspicious numbers, including 8456021111.

  1. How can I protect my personal information from spam callers?

To protect your personal information, never share it with unsolicited callers. Verify the legitimacy of the caller and their organization before providing any details.

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