Scam Alert: Beware of Calls from These Numbers 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342,953625312, 0839985724 and 20810300 in the Thailand

Scam Alert: Beware of Calls from These Numbers 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342,953625312, 0839985724 and 20810300 in the Thailand

Warning: 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342, 0839985724, 953625312, 021806000, 20810300, 27009088, 20795271, 022329861, 020179600, 0839930649, 0953646214, 02-037-9099, 20962636, 20162098 in the Thailand


In today’s digital age, scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their methods to defraud innocent individuals. One prevalent form of scam is phone calls from unknown numbers, where the scammers attempt to deceive unsuspecting victims and extract money or personal information. In Thailand, the situation is no different, and it is crucial to be aware of the potential threats posed by these fraudulent calls. This article aims to shed light on the most common scam numbers in Thailand, the tactics used by scammers, and how you can protect yourself from falling victim to such scams.

Understanding Phone Scams in Thailand

Phone scams are a significant concern worldwide, and Thailand is no exception. Scammers often employ various tactics to manipulate and trick individuals into divulging sensitive information or sending money. Understanding the modus operandi of these scammers is the first step towards safeguarding yourself from potential threats.

  • What are Phone Scams?

Phone scams involve fraudulent individuals making unsolicited calls to potential victims, posing as legitimate entities, such as government agencies, banks, or service providers. They often create a sense of urgency or fear to coerce individuals into revealing personal details or making payments.

  • Common Scam Numbers in Thailand

Thailand has witnessed an increase in the number of scam calls over the past few years. Some of the most frequently reported scam numbers in the country include:

  • 20379099
  • 953769951
  • 095-362-3342
  • 953625312
  • 20810300

Tactics Employed by Scammers

Phone scammers use psychological techniques and persuasive language to deceive their targets effectively. It is essential to be aware of their tactics to avoid becoming a victim.

  • Impersonation

Scammers often impersonate trusted institutions, such as banks or government agencies, to gain the victim’s trust and create a false sense of legitimacy.

  • Urgency and Fear

Creating urgency or fear is a common strategy to pressure victims into acting impulsively, preventing them from verifying the authenticity of the call.

  • Prize and Lottery Scams

Another prevalent scam is telling the victim that they have won a prize or lottery, but they need to pay a processing fee to claim their winnings.

  • Threats and Blackmail

In some cases, scammers resort to making threats or blackmailing individuals, aiming to intimidate them into compliance.

How to Protect Yourself from Scams

While scammers are resourceful, there are several precautionary measures you can take to safeguard yourself from falling prey to phone scams.

  • Verify Caller Identity

Always verify the identity of the caller, especially if they claim to represent a reputable organization. Ask for their full name, company, and contact information.

  • Do Not Share Personal Information

Never share sensitive personal information or financial details over the phone, especially if you didn’t initiate the call.

  • Be Cautious with Payments

If someone asks you to make a payment urgently, take a step back and verify the request’s authenticity before proceeding.

  • Block Suspected Numbers

If you receive repeated calls from suspicious numbers, consider blocking them on your phone to prevent further contact.

  • Report Scam Calls

Report any scam calls to the local authorities or the telecommunications provider to help prevent similar incidents in the future.


Phone scams are a prevalent issue in Thailand, with scammers using various tactics to exploit innocent individuals. Being aware of common scam numbers and understanding the tactics employed by scammers is crucial in protecting yourself and your loved ones from potential harm. Always be cautious with unsolicited calls and never disclose personal or financial information to unknown callers.


  • Q: What should I do if I receive a call from a suspicious number?

A: If you receive a call from a suspicious number, it’s best to avoid answering and block the number if necessary. Report the incident to the relevant authorities.

  • Q: How can scammers create a sense of urgency?

A: Scammers use fear tactics or false claims of impending legal action to create urgency and pressure victims into quick decision-making.

  • Q: Can scammers call from international numbers?

A: Yes, scammers can use Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology to make it appear as though they are calling from a different country.

  • Q: What should I do if I have already fallen victim to a phone scam?

A: If you believe you have fallen victim to a phone scam, contact your local authorities and your bank or financial institution immediately.

  • Q: Are there any legitimate reasons for unknown numbers to call me?

A: While some legitimate entities may call from unknown numbers, it is always safer to be cautious and verify their identity before sharing any information.

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