The Safest Way to Diminish Stretch Marks And Scars Using A Derma Roller

Scars Using A Derma Roller

Stretch marks are common when your skin shrinks or stretches abruptly. It damages elastin and collagen, which are the main support for your skin. You will witness stretch marks when your skin starts healing. Varying hormone levels are also responsible for stretch marks or scars on your skin.

Most people develop stretch marks during the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy
  • Growing in puberty
  • Rapid weight gain or loss

Those using corticosteroids for a long time also suffer from stretch marks. Stretch marks are also common in people, who are struggling with Marfan Syndrome or Cushing’s disease. You will initially notice stretch marks in dark brown, reddish-brown, pink, purple, or red color based on the color of your skin. You may experience itching or raised scars in the early stages of development.

Proven techniques to get rid of stretch marks

Your dermatologist suggests using microneedling using a derma roller 0.2 mm to treat scars or stretch marks without any recognizable pain. You need to know the benefits of derma rolling before using these handy and lightweight instruments at home.

Microneedling using a derma roller offers the following benefits:

  • Rejuvenation of your face
  • Reducing skin discoloration
  • Diminishes acne scars
  • Improves absorption of products
  • Reduces wrinkles and stretch marks on your skin

What is derma rolling?

Collagen induction therapy or derma rolling or often called microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure in which around 192 stainless steel tiny sharp needles are inserted into your skin using a 0.2 mm derma roller.

It is a fact that the production of collagen starts declining at 1% every year after the age of 20. The dermarolling process creates micro wounds on your skin and promotes the production of collagen and restores lost elasticity in your skin. The abundant protein in your body – collagen is responsible for holding connective tissues such as bones, cartilage, tendons, muscles, and skin together. Collagen also helps you to be gorgeous and young.

The recovery process after derma rolling is quick because you will use just 0.2 mm needles in this microneedling process to treat stretch marks and scars on your skin. It is a safe and proven method to enhance your natural beauty.

Procedure to use derma rolling

You need to disinfect your tiny instrument – 0.2 mm derma roller using isopropyl alcohol for 10 minutes before deciding to do microneedling on your skin. It prevents the development of infections on your skin.

You can use a gentle pH-balanced cleanser to wash your face. It is also suggested to apply a numbing cream on your face and other areas of your skin. You can start rolling the derma roller on your face in vertical, horizontal, and diagonal directions for best results. It is advised to limit derma rolling to eight times in each direction. You should avoid using it close to your eyes.

You need to wash your face and other areas of the skin using water. It is also necessary to disinfect your derma roller after each use and keep it in a safe place.

You can repeat derma rolling two to three times a week to get rid of stretch marks and scars on your skin safely at home. Several online stores are offering derma rollers at affordable rates. You can purchase a 0.2 mm derma roller for your sensitive skin.

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