Which is the best water purifier to buy?

Which is the best water purifier to buy

Domestic water purifiers are made up of a series of filtering systems that remove some harmful chemicals that may be present in tap water. Read the guide to know its characteristics, types, and how to choose the best home purifiers based on quality, price, offers and correct information for the consumer. Let’s find out which technique to purify water using a water purifier is the most beneficial for you to purify the tap water at home using a domestic water purifier, to obtain a higher quality for your consumption.

Reverse osmosis

Filters based on reverse osmosis are mainly used to filter those waters rich in saline substances and nitrates. They are made up of a semi-permeable membrane through which water is forcefully passed and therefore filtered. It is a very aggressive filtering system, able to almost totally eliminate the mineral salts, important for our health. The filtered water cannot, in fact, be used for food use.

Activated carbon filters

Activated carbon filters, widely used in aqueducts, are specific filters whose function is to eliminate both chlorine and harmful substances from the water that make it non-drinkable. An expense, the latter, which must be repeated every six to 12 months (based on the place of use). In fact, activated carbon filters are very delicate, they are easily clogged and in addition to careful maintenance, they also require frequent replacement. Furthermore, once positioned, usually under the sink, it is necessary to integrate them with ultraviolet lamps. These lamps have the task of preventing the onset of bacteria and germs, which find an ideal habitat around these filters.


Softeners are special filters whose purpose is to soften the water, depriving it of calcium and magnesium. They perform a mainly anti-limescale function capable of preventing scale from the pipes. For this reason, they are widely used among household appliances. The most used softeners are those with ion-exchange made up of sodium cations, whose operation is based on an exchange of ions. The moment the water passes through the filter, the magnesium and calcium ions are replaced by the iodine ions. Their use is not recommended for those waters that are already hard on their own since too freshwater could not only exceed the hardness limit established by law, of 10 ° F but could also ruin the pipes due to its pH, excessively acidic.


Microfiltration is a type of filtering that differs from other purification systems by its functioning. In fact, it is not a real purifier since it does not carry out any water treatment. In fact, at its base there is no exchange of ions or osmosis, it acts simply by retaining the solid parts present in the water. For this purpose, it consists of a nylon or propylene membrane whose pores have a size less than or equal to 50 micrometers. For this reason, its only purpose is to lighten the water without purifying it and depriving it of bacteria, chlorine, and magnesium.

Conclusion: As you can see, every water purifier with different techniques has different functionality of cleaning and purifying water. But Because of the high-quality result of Activated Carbon Filters, they are considered to be the most worthy water purifiers. If one technology is preferred by the majority of the people, doesn’t mean that other technologies are not worthy to invest in. Some water purifiers cost higher whether others come under the budget. The price of the purifiers depends on what technology of purifying water is used in them. So, you can buy the water purifier with any of the technology according to your needs and budget. And for this, BestForYourHome.co.in helps you to find the perfect water purifier for your home as there are plenty of options available for you.

About sam Malik

Sam is writer and editor. Writing is my Fashion. I study mainly field then start writing. Facebook

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